Today: May 13, 2024 2:02 pm
A collection of Software and Cloud patterns with a focus on the Enterprise


Recently I decided to give the Orange pi zero 2 W a try, and one of the experiments I decided to run was use an Ultrasonic Distance Measurement based on the Waterproof Ultrasonic Module JSN-SR04T. The code provided is for the Raspberry pi and assumes RPi.GPIO is available, which it isn’t on the Orange pi zero 2 W. It’s important to note that the wiring is identical for the Orange pi zero 2 W and the Raspberry pi zero 2 W. This means you use the same pins. The wiring diagram shown is......

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When Google introduced Anthos as a cloud offering in April 2019, they hoped to unlock value for their customers that was previously trapped in physical data centers. Customer flexibility, scale, reliability and mobility were among the key design principles that influenced Anthos. During the intervening years, Google has augmented the Anthos offering to encompass new products, centralized configuration and various deployment modalities. One enterprise objective that Anthos designs for is to provide a single pane of glass and a homogeneous platform across clouds and on premise. From an operations perspective, this both reduces......

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Accurate pricing for complex cloud projects is a key requirement for success. Unfortunately the sheer number of variables and the ever changing landscape of pricing, shifting of regions, etc. makes it extremely difficult to keep a pricing model up to date as the project evolves. Google Cloud anticipated that when they created Using this API, it’s possible to get up to the moment pricing for all Google Cloud SKUs. These pricing details can then be added to a Google Sheet or other dataset to create flexible cost models for projects of any......

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AI and Machine Learning (ML) can be a real boost for many companies, especially those with a lot of accumulated data from years of operation. AI platforms are getting easier to use without having data scientists on staff, while at the same time data lifecycle patterns are well established. Most of these AI platforms target cloud based use cases, which leads to the question: What do you do if the data needs to stay on premise? Patterns The illustration below shows a few common approaches to using AI. Something that may be less......

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This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of production release. It may be valuable to review Immutable Infrastructure Basics before reading this article. What is production? At first glance one might expect a straight forward answer to that question like: Any system that directly serves authoritative resources to the intended end user. That might be broad and general enough to capture most situations, but what about A single user’s laptop that is setup to compiler a binary that controls a production machine. Is that laptop considered......

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This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of CI/CD pipelines to deliver high quality software quickly. It may be valuable to review Immutable Infrastructure Basics before reading this article. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, CI/CD, is a practice in software development that aims to ensure high quality updates efficiently progress toward a release. The “Integration” part of CI/CD seeks to confirm that a software change will work with related systems. The divergence of systems that occurs without immutable infrastructure can reduce the effectiveness of CI/CD pipelines.......

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This article is part of a series on Immutable Infrastructure and discusses the scenario of Development Environments and Team Collaboration. It may be valuable to review Immutable Infrastructure Basics before reading this article. Development environments are intended to be flexible and in motion by design. At the same time, teams need to be able to work together and eventually deliver their work to other environments. As teams form and change over time, these objectives are often at odds with each other. The illustration below shows this dynamic at play over time. The above......

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One of the biggest shifts in technology that can be attributed to cloud is the move from away from hand crafting systems to defining systems and letting automation create them. This is often referred to as Infrastructure as Code, and is manifested along a spectrum. Toward the more “cloudy” end of the spectrum is the concept of immutable infrastructure, which means that once created, infrastructure exists in the same state until it is replaced by something new, but it is never changed. Some Examples A good example of immutability is a Java jar......

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Traditional approaches to creating and maintaining workloads in the enterprise often include contributions from many teams and individuals. They also include a combination of manual and scripted activities. I sometimes refer to this as an assembly line. The workloads that come off the assembly line, like cars, have odometers and require regular maintenance. Others refer to these workloads as pets. When moving workloads to the cloud, it’s helpful to visualize how this typically happens on premise and how it will change when going into cloud. The illustration above shows the traditional approach in......

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Istio Ingress vs. Kubernetes Ingress

For years I have appreciated the clean and simple way Kubernetes approached Ingress into container workloads. The idea of an IngressController that dynamically reconfigures itself based on the current state of Ingress resources seemed very clean and easy to understand. Istio, on the other hand, felt more confusing, so I set out to correlate what I refer to as “traditional kubernetes ingress” with Istio ingress. The following diagram will help visualize my comments below. Dynamic Ingress Control Load Balancer at the Edge Both approaches are very similar in how they treat traffic at......

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